I.E.R.F.O.P. Onlus (European Institute for Research, Training and Vocational Guidance of Excellence for Disabled and Marginalised People Non Lucrative Organisation of Social Utility), is a Vocational Training Organisation established in 1988 by the main associations representing all disabilities (blind, deaf, civil and labour invalids).
I.E.R.F.O.P. has as its main objectives:
- raise awareness and promote access to training for the disabled, in order to enable their greater integration into society and the world of work;
- train social workers involved in services for the disabled;
- to satisfy the participants in training courses by aiming to progressively improve the services offered.
A common element of these objectives is a continuous and sustainable improvement, closely linked to the relationship with the world of disability training. To support this, Customer Satisfaction analysis is a key element: it is measured through the continuous feedback received and requested on and from the trainees.