Relevant Projects

We All Make Digital Information Accessible
Programme: Erasmus+ KA202 VET
Number: 2017-1-ES01-KA202-038673
Digital accessibility in Europe is now in the spotlight after the approval in 2016 of the EU directive 2016/2102. Traditionally, ICT users think that digital accessibility is only a task for ICT professionals when designing and implementing websites and mobile apps. They also think this is something for very specific people, mainly those with disabilities.
WAMDIA changes the mindset of traditional ICT users. The fact is that everybody can contribute to accessibility of digital information by ensuring that common files that one can create are accessible: word processor, presentations or pdf files are good examples. Even more, this aspect of accessibility is key for the daily activity: e.g. the best accessible website is useless if only a single uploaded file is not accessible.
WAMDIA enables general ICT users to make digital information accessible by learning basic techniques which everybody with basic digital skills is able to apply in their daily life. WAMDIA will target many types of general users who are not ICT experts: public employees, teachers, and students in non-ICT programs in VET centres, SME managers and employees and in general any ICT user.

Creating upskilling pathways, improving accessibility and increasing take-up of adult education
Programme: Erasmus+ KA220-ADU
Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035384
GREEN ANGELS project aims to generate a high-quality learning opportunity, incorporating the development of essential skills for self-entrepreneurship involving motivation and social inclusion activities. The GREEN ANGELS educational pathway aims to upskill low qualified and socially excluded migrants/BMEs and provide them with self-entrepreneurship competencies giving them the opportunity to fight against exclusion and marginalisation and enter the labour market.

Building Pathways For Street-Art To Foster Inclusive Resilience And Enterprise Through Creativity
Programme: Erasmus+ KA227-ADU
Number: 2020-1-FR01-KA227-ADU-095258
The St’Art Up project aims at using street art as a tool to combat social exclusion and isolation as well as stimulating active citizen participation and social entrepreneurship for members of the primary target group.
The St’Art Up project has the objective to develop a street-art pathway for young adults as key members of the target group. The pathway will enable them to express their feelings and thoughts as well as ideas and fears by gaining new creative/digital skills and self-entrepreneurial knowledge.

Promoting people with disabilities’ employment by enhancing their digital skills and competences to support a remote working scheme
Programme: Erasmus+ KA220-VET
Number: 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000087590
DIGITABILITY Project’s vision is to promote people with disabilities’ employment by enhancing their digital skills and competences to support a remote working scheme through the development of a more digital resilient educational scheme for both training providers and trainees. In this view, VET providers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) associations will be equipped with useful tools (Training Course, VET Trainers Certification, Open Learning Platform) to effectively respond to their stakeholders’ needs and will provide its trainers with improved knowledge for delivering training to people with disabilities.

Digital readiness and capacity building of humanities professors in universities through partnership with digital technologies companies
Programme: Erasmus+ KA220-HED
Number: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED-000031124
DigitUni project focuses on the capacity development of humanities university professors and assistants to implement online, blended and distance teaching in a Hybrid On-line Environment (HOE) through strengthening and expanding their digital pedagogical skills and competences. DigitUni will therefore support the humanities professors and assistants and their training process in becoming more innovative and digital, as well as more inter-connected with external partners (like IT/digital companies), thus strengthening the links between humanities departments and the research and innovation side of the digital world.

Programme: DG-CONNECT’s program “Preparatory Action: Open knowledge technologies: mapping and validating knowledge”
Number: LC – 00822001
The goal of SkillsMatch is to develop assessment and learning technology in order to help users to adapt their skill assets to the demanded labour market skills.
The solution will integrate and improve the development of Non-Cognitive Skills (NC), personality traits or motivations. During the project, partners will create a technological platform for assessing and evaluating such skills, as well as for recommending training opportunities for bridging the gap between their skills profile and the one recommended for their target jobs.
SkillsMatch platform will offer users a self-assessment NC tool showing strong and week points in relation to what is recommended for specific occupations, a personalized training itinerary including Open Education Resources (OER) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and a portfolio linked to open badges which will provide recognition of the new skills.

DESTINE (DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment)
KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
The Erasmus project DESTINE (DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment) was born with the aim of promoting an online VET that ensures support for diversity, inclusion and tolerance, providing the necessary tools for all professionals and students to adapt to the e-learning methodology.
- Creation of an online learning platform containing material focusing on tolerance and diversity methods.
- Implementation of innovative educational activities, tools and methods through Open Educational Resources (OER).
- Development of a freely accessible toolkit for teachers, trainers and mentors, as well as interested learners, to be uploaded on the E-Learning Platform.
- Development of a cooperative environment between institutions, facilitating the creation of synergies and transnational cooperation.
- Compilation of good practices of entities from several countries as success stories, developing a guide of success stories.

The DICA project objective is to create a new innovative, creative and digital approach to enable project target group (people from diverse cultural backgrounds) to become Digital Cultural Ambassadors and Community Educators and use their acquired knowledge to positively contribute to intercultural dialogue in society, with specific focus on using digital platforms to raise awareness of Equality and Diversity and the same awareness raising among the local population, particularly those individuals who face loneliness in their daily life.